Jun 19, 21 · When linking series A link to the hub page or first chapter should suffice if the SCP in question appears in multiple entries or is central to the series A link to individual Tales in a series should be used in cases where the SCP is focused on in a single chapter (For instance SCP012 is the primary focus of the On Mount Golgotha canon, soJun 23, 21 · SCP001, also known as Awaiting Declassification and Top Secret, is a mysterious name given to an SCP in the SCP Foundation There isn't a official SCP classified as SCP001, except SCPs which have been proposed to have the title SCP001, all of which have been listed on the foundation SCP001 (The Gate Guardian) SCP001 (Dr Wondertainment)In which case, one can deduce that the entity known as SCP001 may be the archangel Uriel Powers and Stats Tier At least 2A, likely Low 1C, possibly higher Name SCP001, "The Gate Guardian", Uriel Origin SCP Foundation Gender Genderless Age Unknown, Likely old as time itself Classification Euclid/Keter Class Anomalous Entity

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Scp 1730 gate guardian
Scp 1730 gate guardian-Jan 01, 21 · SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP FoundationToday we will be studying SCP001 The Gate Guardian, Object class Keter SCP001 is a humanoidSep 16, · Round 1 SCP6 Round 2 SCP001 (Gate Guardian) Round 3 SCP2317 (Scarlet King) Round 4 SCP3125 (password is ) Round 5 SCP3999 Round 6 SCP3043 Round 7 SCP3143 Round 8 SCP3812

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Dec 25, · The Gate Guardian has a passive existence erasure and it's speed is immeasurable It has the same attack potency as Xeno Vegito Also, The Gate Guardian could possibly be a fake just like SCP 343 (a scp that claims to be god but there is a lot of weird stuff about him) due to SCP 6 calling it a pretender as it is getting destroyed by The Gate GuardianSorry for the inactivity, I've been dealing with some pretty heavy depression lately, along with some medical stuff, but I thinkJan 23, 21 · SCP001 (The Gate Guardian) for Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Released Jan 23rd, 21 Ranked 158,372 of 600,052 with 31 (0 today) downloads Published by BaguetteBoi (mod ID )
Jul 17, · scp001의 가능성 중 하나 '문의 수호자'는 인간형의 독립체이며 크기는 약 700 큐빗() 1티그리스 강과 유프라테스 강이 교차하는 곳에서 위치해있다 날개가 달려있어서 날 수 있고, 검 모양의 어떤 무기(이는 scp0012로 칭함)가 있는데 이게 거의 태양 수준 온도의 불을 발사한다The Gate Guardian is one of many SCP files labeled 001 It is Euclid\\Keter class The Gate Guardian is a humanoid entity, approximately 700 cubits (1050 feet {304 meters}) in height, located in an undisclosed location near the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers The following features are known about the entity A number of luminous, winglike appendagesSCP001 is both a Euclid and Keter Class anomaly also known as The Gate Guardian SCP 001 is a humanoid entity, approximately seven hundred cubits or roughly 1,000 feet in height, located near the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
SCP001, also known as "The Gate Guardian", is a Euclid/Keter class humanoid entity that is one of many potential entities that share the SCP001 title It can be viewed as the overall protagonist of the SCP series, depending on its interpretation SCP001 is the being that prompted the SCP Foundation to exist He said one word that echoed through the administrator's head, "prepare" ItMay 23, 21 · (SCP 001 The Gate Guardians is if I`m not mistaken, an archangel who protects the gates of Eden and can annihilate anything on a sub atomic level that comes within a 1km radius, meaning whoever is killed by the gate guardian cannot be ressurected via necromancy although in this case SCP 001 only kills mamono, not humansDec 13, · SCP001 (The Gate Guardian) for Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Released Dec 13th, Ranked 253,5 of 790,225 with 52 (0 today) downloads Published by ericgrav (mod ID ) Description kb Subscribe to install 18 Positive 1 0 Share

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Also if The Gate Guardian won could it destroy SCP6?Why Wilderness Therapy Is Effective In Helping Troubled Teens from Burien, WA Just to recap There are several reasons why WinGate Wilderness Therapy is the best choice for helping your troubled teen from Burien, WA 1 Wingate is a focused experience While your teen is going through a wilderness therapy program, they will focus completely on their recovery⚠ Note Use Headphones for Best Experience ⚠In the Part 1 of this video we discussed 15 proposals for SCP 001 But there are still 16 remaining which are go

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Jan 14, 21 · As for mental immunity, Gate Guardian gave order to Cain to remember the action he have done, killing Abel his brother, Cain tried to forget it but it was useless, eventually he got to SCPJun 03, · Read Chapter 1LEAVE from the story The Guardian Of The Gate by ItsHalcyonNTF (Nachtson) with 3,2 reads scp, scp001, senrankagura Y/n was standing with hiGate Guardian is the best SCP001 SCP001 Close 62 Posted by 4 days ago Gate Guardian is the best SCP001 SCP001 10 comments share save hide report I like the gate guardian but it's not the best nor does it deserve to be the most upvoted 001 I'd argue that like 10 other 001s are better written 1 Reply Share

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Scp 001 The Gate Guardian Scp
It is the avowed belief of the Founder that the gate which SCP001 guards may be the gate to EXPUNGED based on correlations with ancient Babylonian texts and the Dead Sea Scrolls In which case, one can deduce that the entity known as SCP001 may be EXPUNGED Addendum 001a Experimentation re SCP0012's effective kill range 1Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours Join us!In SCP343 vs SCP6 test, it was included that 343 couldn't kill 6 because he haven't created him

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Jul 15, 19 · SCP001 Gate Guardian Contributor FBI 19 2 19 2 Item # SCP001 Object Class Euclid/Keter Special Containment Procedures Because of the nature of SCP001, no containment procedures are necessary 24/7 monitoring of SCP001 is to take place from a safe (10 km) distance from a predetermined location (Site 0) The location of Site 0Jan 16 – Nov 17 1 year 11 months 3214 W McGraw St, STE 308, Seattle, WA In charge of success planning and operations for a specialty real estate brokerageThe Gate Guardian, considered by people as the SCP001, is a huge humanoid entity with armor and sword on, this SCP "shines like the sun" and guards the entrance to an unknown place, most information about the Gate Guardian is classified, including the place he protects


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